D.G. Shipping, Govt of India Approved Post Sea Maritime Institute

DGS MTI No. 303008 (Kolkata) | DGS MTI No. 303008 (Noida)

Terms & Conditions

1. Candidates are requested to ensure and finalise their program before booking a course. If by any means a candidate is unable to undergo the course on the stipulated date, the same can be shifted to next available date as per the availability within 6 months. This has to be intimated to the office in an Email in advance as per the Shifting Policy mentioned below in details.

2. For Shifting of Courses (Except GMDSS Course): If Mailed 7 working days or before the course start Date:  A Fixed shifting charge of Rs.500 is applicable towards each shifting of courses to a date not exceeding 6 months. If Mailed before 2 working days up to 6 Working days, A Fixed shifting charge of Rs.1000 is applicable towards each shifting of courses to a date not exceeding 6 months. No Shifting is permitted if mailed 2 working days or later from the course start Date. (Sunday is Not a Working Day). All Shifting Confirmations and payments are made through Email Communication Only and the decision of the Management is Final. (email: harinathhoontrust@gmail.com)

3. Please note the candidates can book a course by paying a Minimum booking amount. They must pay their Balance Fees at least 2 working days before the Course Star Date. (Balance Fee to be paid Online through the MY BOOKING Section in the Mobile APP or Website). Candidates who fail to pay Balance fee More than  atleast one working day before course start, will Not be uploaded to DGS E-Gov site for the course and the Booking fee shall be forfeited. (Sunday Holiday)

4. Please note, any Electronic Payment must be made by your own card. If it is made by any other card (3rd Party card), an authorization letter from the card owner must be submitted at the Accounts Office, if a grievance or complaint is received from the 3rd Party. The letter must preferably have a photocopy of the card with only last 4 Digits & name showing, or else at least the letter must state the Card Last 4 Digits. It should clearly authorize the user with his/her name.

5. The Gateway Transaction Charges on our website and Mobile application are to be paid by the Candidate/Student Making the Payment, No part of these Bank Charges can be refunded to the Candidate under any circumstance, even if Chargeback/Refund is requested.

6. No Photography / Videography is permitted in the campus without our written Permission, to protect our Privacy. Social Media & Online Postage of HMI Internal Documents, Campus Property, equipment,  Photographs, Video without our written permission is Strictly prohibited & violators may be penalized / appropriate action shall be initiated.

7. All Legal matters shall be Subjected to Kolkata, West Bengal Jurisdiction only.

As per latest DGS Training Circular No. 4 of 2018 and other DGS Orders/ Circulars, the Institute/ Candidates shall follow the following:-

1. Batches will only Start with Minimum 25% Students.

2. 100% Attendance (On-Time reporting - Morning at arrival and evening at departure) with DGS CDAC attendance is Compulsory for all STCW/ Modular/Refresher/ Simulator courses. If same not followed, the FEE will be forfeited & Candidate withdrawn from DGS E-Gov batch.

DGS Reserves the right to Change modify rules, regulations etc. at any point of Time. This will have to be complied by All Students at every stage and the Institute will implement the changes. Institute will not be able to change/ refund etc. for the same, please book accordingly.

3. For STCW/ Modular/Refresher/ Simulator courses the Attendance is 100% required : Missing a class or part class session on any day (under any circumstances), will be treated as absent for the whole day and same cannot be covered in the next class / batch. The whole course will have to be done again by the candidate, by Repaying the Fee and booking the course again.

4. We advice the students to carefully select the batch dates and attend class for above courses. If they are absent / late etc., their names will be withdrawn from the batch and FEE forfeited. Incase, there are general Holidays & festivals pertaining to certain religion etc., the candidates are advised to Not book those course Dates. Incase, the Students, faculty of a particular class request classes / sessions on these days, the Institute will reserve the right to allow / disallow the same. Incase, any student needs a religious Holiday, same must be mailed to the Institute well in advance (Prior Batch Upload) on harinathhoontrust@gmail.com , so that the days can be adjusted at the time on Upload of batch & other candidates notified of the Holiday & Extra Class Day(s). Sundays (Unless extra class is required) , 15th August & 26th January are Declared Holidays, and NO Class shall be allowed on these days.

5. Institute, holds the right to cancel batches if min 25% students don't book, under this circumstance, the student will be called at the next date if batch is complete (25%). Since Institute is not cancelling any course, only postponing it to comply with DGS Tr Circular - No FEE will be refunded. No refund in case of Package course bookings.

6. For Competency Courses, 90% attendance is compulsory and should reflect on CDAC also. If attendance is less than above, the candidate's name will be withdrawn from the DGS E-gov batch and FEE Forfeited. They will have to book fresh in a new batch and do the full courses again.

7. Once Batch is Uploaded on D.G. E-Governance, Fee Refund and Cancellation etc. request will not be entertained.

8. All Documents must be uploaded after Course Booking on www.hmikolkata.com or Android Application, inside My Booking section, prior to start of the course. Candidates Must carry Originals of the uploaded documents (Incase not verifiable from DGS site) for Verification, in case they are found false, the candidate will be withdrawn from the batch.

9. Candidates must check their CDAC attendance, incase their face is not verified etc, the Institute must be notified via email (harinathhoontrust@gmail.com) for necessary reporting to DGS and required corrections.

10. All Latest DGS Circulars / Orders etc will be applicable, as and when put into effect.

11. Note: The DGS Exit Exam FEE of INR 295/- per course collected by us and submitted to DGS on your behalf, is NON Refundable under any circumstances once paid.

12. The DGS Exit Exam FEE of INR 295/- per course is NOT INCLUDED in the Course Fee and has to be paid Extra by the Candidates, at the time of Booking (separate Receipt for the same is provided)

13. A Maximum of 3 Attempts are permitted for the DGS Exit Exam to any Candidate for a particular course, as per DGS Circular No. 17 of 2020, dated 24.04.2020.

14. In Case, of Failing the DGS Exit Exam in all 3 attempts, or as permitted by DGS. The Candidate Has to repeat the course at the Institute as per  DGS Circular No. 17 of 2020, dated 24.04.2020. He/ She may Re-Book the course at HMI by paying the full fee again.

15. Please Follow DGS Order No. 20 of 2020 and all other Prevailing DGS Circulars / Orders etc. at all times.

16. Candidates are Notified NOT to try any unfair means to PASS Exit exams, any cheating etc. noted will be notified to DGS and necessary action shall be taken.

17. We Have NO AGENTS. We DO NOT Collect Fee / Money for CDC Applications, Exit Exam (Except Govt fee of Rs. 295/-), E-Learning, DGS Photo / Profile Corrections, etc. These are to be done by the Candidates themselves and incase of queries Free guidance shall be provided to the best of our ability & Knowledge (Please call the Number provided in Contact Section for these helps). Please DO NOT Pay any Staff, agent etc. any EXTRA Money under any circumstances. This shall not be appreciated if found, and the Institute shall NOT be liable for any such actions, loses etc.

18. The Photo uploaded in the Indos (DGS E-Gov) account must be recent and Updated, for completing the DGS Exit Exam Online. Please follow the FAQ Section / Booking Email sent to Verify your photo well in advance, to avoid delay & last minute problems for CDAC, Exit Exam, E Learning etc.

19. A Digitally Signed certificate will be Issued to all Candidates Passing the DGS Exit Exam. (You Can Download from the safety of your Home itself). This CANNOT be changed once generated. Your Name / Details in the DGS profile shall appear on the CERT, any error in that will reflect on your Certificate also (Please ensure your Profile Name / Details is as per you Passport & Correct)

20. Please Follow DGS Order No. 20 of 2020 and all other Prevailing/ Applicable DGS Circulars / Orders etc. at all times. Please follow, all other DGS Orders, Guidelines, Circulars etc. as published by them on their website www.dgshipping.gov.in at all times.

21. Please Follows DGS ORDER NO. 27 of 2020 STRITLY, Download order By Clicking Link or Visit DGS Website: https://www.dgshipping.gov.in/writereaddata/ShippingNotices/202010221057039565516DGS_order_31of2020_21102020.pdf

22. The Institute Reserves the right to Modify, Change the Terms and Conditions and / or Refund Policy and other Policies and Rules without any notice and same shall be binding on the users.

23. Please note the Institute Representatives will be calling the Candidates to confirm their presence for the Course, failing which the Institute cannot guarantee a seat. Failure to provide correct Information will also lead to automatic withdrawal form the Course, subject to NO refund.

24. Candidates present and Not completing all the elements of the training Including the Practical shall NOT be issued a certificate, will be withdrawn & Fee Not refundable.

25. Please note all Course/s which Include Practical the Candidates are advised to carry their own Boiler Shoes/Safety Shoes, if not, the same is available at our Institute for usage against a Charge (Laundry Charges).

26. Candidate/Student cannot book without agreeing to our Terms and Conditions, Refund Policy and Other Rules and Regulations set by the Institution. Directorate General Of Shipping, Govt. Of India Orders/Circulars/Rules will be applicable to our candidate as and when Changed.

27. Please note NO Shifting will be permitted for GMDSS Candidates 1 Month Prior from the Date of the Course Commencement Date.

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